E-LOAN offers home mortgage, refinance, home equity loans, lines of credit, auto and motorcycle loans, savings accounts and CDs with great rates online. Rates include no lender costs or fees. Get a free credit report.
Question: #1: What type of credit score is needed for a Capital One or Eloan car loan?
And what are examples of loan amounts?
- asked by Steve
I do not know the loan amounts, but to get startedif you just wanted to know the basic credit scorea website I found to be awesome and ligit iswww.whogavemecredit.com... you can type in thecompany that you need and you will recieve a listof individuals who have either gotten approved ordeclined and what their credit score was at thetime. It helped me get approved for a Target card.Hope this helps!!! - answered by: Knowledgeispower View All Answers (3)
Question: #2: Has anyone financed a home mortgage loan through eloan?
Were you happy and who was the lender? Do theymanage their own mortgage paper?
- asked by JK
E loan is neither a mortgage bank or an investorso, no, they do not service their loans but sellthat servicing to others for a profit, just likemany wholesale lenders.A successfulborrower/lender transaction is determined justlike anything else, the proficiency of the lenderand the quality of the communication between thetwo parties.As a direct mortgage lender I am, ofcourse, somewhat suspect of reaching into a barrelwhen I don't know if I'm going to come up with anapple or a snake, but it is a matter of personalchoice.I have heard of successful on line mortgagetransactions and horror stories. The moreinformed the borrower is about the process andtheir options the more pro-active they can be. The more pro-active they can be the more likelythey are to avoid disappointment.Good luck. - answered by: mazziatplay View All Answers (4)
Question: #3: my mom is getting a home loan home with eloan has any worked with them?
- asked by lucky
the rates are higher than normal...they dont havegovernment programs..might not have all theoptions you may need.huge companies have hugeoverheads to pay....they tend to have higherrates....but at least you can get their rate..andshop it - answered by: Carolinahomerates.com View All Answers (1)
Question: #4: Thinking about a CD. How safe are the non-brick & mortar banks like eLoan or NetBank for opening upCDs?
For example, these guys have some 5+% rates for18-24 month CDs, while B of A, where most of mymoney sits, can only do like 4.8%. I guess by"safe" I mean: Is there any more risk of loss withthese online banks than with a B of A type bank,or does FDIC pretty much cover me no matter theinstitution?
- asked by common sense
The truth is more and more banks are entering theinternet to save money on manpower and leasingspace. As long as your bank account is FDICinsured (also noting you do not put more than$100,000 in it) and you contact the BetterBusiness Bureau to confirm the bank's reliability,then there should be no problem. It's just likemaking an account with an out-of-state bank, mailthem a check, make sure to get all your info faxedor mailed to you, and make sure you get the nameof your bank officer for future reference.Also,check out Money magazine and Kiplinger's PersonalFinance for other banks' rates, last time Ichecked none of the CD rates were less than 5 %. - answered by: Joe T View All Answers (4)
Question: #5: wanna get a home loan anyone go with eloan or quicken loans are they good anyone have them?
- asked by matt12882003
Eloan and Quicken Loans are both big lenders withgood reputations. However, they have a way ofdoing business that may not work for allsituations.They are what's called "A Paper"lenders so they only loan to borrowers with thevery best credit and even then they may haveissues. They also spend a lot of money onadvertising and they are still able to offerextremely low rates. They are able to do this andstill make a profit by paying there loan agentsvery little compared to the average and notgiving them very much training. If these agentscome across a situation that is not "cookiecutter" they may have a tough time addressing theissue even if you have great credit. Overall, Ithink they are fine if you want a low rate at theexpense of customer service. Which is fine if youare doing a refinance and the rates are not aboutto go up and you don't need any cash right away.If, however, you are purchasing a house or youhave a slightly unique situation I would avoidthem.Email me if you'd like me to take a look atwhat I can do for you. If someone can get you abetter loan, I will be the first to tell you. - answered by: kevingeorgecampbell View All Answers (5)
Question: #6: Applied for eloan auto loan... needs verification?
Hey I applied for a auto loan with eloan. Got an email saying I was conditionally approved, and tocall a number to verify certain information in myapplication and credit report.Has anyone everdealt with this and eloan? What do they look for?
- asked by Mike W
Conditionally means now they run the credit checksetc. If the credit is lousy you will get turneddown or offered an outrageous interest rate.Whyeloan as opposed to a local condern where you canget your questions answered? - answered by: Deliah View All Answers (3)
Question: #7: How do I get a used car loan wihout any credit history?
I have applied on a variety of online websites fora used car loan. They will deny me as I have nocredit history. I tried CapitalOne and eLoan aswell. My income is about $1400 monthly. I want a10k loan to buy a used RSX from someone. I eventried getting the same car from a dealer but theguy told me to apply at CapitalOne which as Ialready said denied it. I don't have anyone Icould use as a co-signer either. Any ideas how Ican get the loan for this car without having towait for better credit history?
- asked by Sonico67
You should look for subprime car loans.www.HSBCAutoLoans.com APRs from 6.09%. FastApplication. Any Credit Welcome. Free QuotesCarLoans for Bad Creditwww.ReliableCarLoan.com Bad Credit Car Loan Specialists. 1 MinuteApproval. Fast Easy & FreeFast Easy CarLoanswww.centurycarloan.com 99% Car LoansApproved Bad Credit Bankruptcy OK - Fast, Easy &Free - answered by: Cargeek View All Answers (4)
Question: #8: Is it good idea to get a loan from motorcycle dealership?
I'm thinking about purchasing a motorcycle and itseems, unlike car companies, motorcycle companiesare not giving out good financing options. Doesanyone know about this? should I go get a loanfrom eloan or something? or should i go to thedealership?
- asked by wat~
You'd be far better off to simply ask them whattheir absolute best cash price is -- and then takethat information to a credit union -- where theywill sit down with you and help you determne if inthat that really is a good deal and then (if itis) they will lend you the money.All thesedealership "financing deals" are really not dealsat all. - answered by: BShakey View All Answers (10)
Question: #9: Where can I get the best deal on a home mortgage?
My income is not large, but have excellent credit and will pay 20% down. I've been "pre-approved"but am looking for the best deal, and waswondering if anyone had an amazing referral tosomplace I've missed. I've looked into Ditech,eloan, Wells Fargo, and a local broker, and willcontact ING Direct too. Any other suggestions ofbanks, online lenders, etc. would be marvelous,though preferably not individual brokers at thistime.I'm just trying to get the best deal with thefew pennies I earn, so I'll be financially happywhen I move into my new home. Thanks!
- asked by el repollo rojo
It all depends on wht you mean by "best deal". Doyou mean best interest rate, lowest closing costs,best service, most ethical loan officer? The bestdeal for you may not be the best deal for someoneelse and vice versa.Quit shopping for the wrongthing and find an individual with whom you candevelop a lifelong home ownership relationship,someone who will look our for your best interests,educate you on all of your options so that you canchoose the one that best meets your needs, andhelps you achieve your goals.And, for heaven'ssake, be wise enough to stay away from the loanshark feeding frenzy questions like your's draw. - answered by: mazziatplay View All Answers (8)
Question: #10: eloan.com?????
I just checked my credit score at eloan.com. how accurate are they? my score actually seemes alittle high to me.
- asked by princessfionafantasy
depends on the scoring model they use....everylender will have a different score model that theyuse.some use the latest additions while others maynot - answered by: Carolinahomerates.com View All Answers (1)
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