NG DIRECT, FDIC insured bank offering one of the highest savings rates with no fees and no minimums. ING Direct also provides competitive Certificate of Deposits with no minimum deposit, 5/1 ARM Mortgages, Home Equity Loans and Mutual Funds.
Question : Is ING direct safe? Is there a chance that they can lose all of money that I invest?
I chose ING direct because they have such a high interest rate, but are they safe? Are there facts to back that up?P.S. If its not safe, what bank has the highest interest with no risks of me losing my money. Thanks.
- asked by quest77
All Answers: Answer #1As far as i know.., they are safe.., better try to read news regarding the company so tht you willknow whats going on with it.., but for now.., itssafe - answered by pulijalahari
Answer #2 There's no such thing as absoultely no risk in anyfinancial vehicle. The financial market could goto zero tomorrow and you and everyone else wouldlose alot of money.That being said, ING should befine for you to have your money. Even when ETradewas having financial problems they were still ableto pay their interest rates and pay back accountbalances.If you're account is worth less that$100,000, then the FDIC will repay you if yourbank goes under. - answered by Matt G
Answer #3 If you are looking at no fee, no minimum savingsaccounts, ING is good, so is EmigrantDirect. Theonly risk of you losing your money in a savingsaccount is if the whole banking industry goesbelly-up, and even then your money is insured bythe FDIC up to $100,000. You could earn a littlemore with an account that has more requirementsand/or fees, but interest yield right now is low,so you're good. - answered by shamieya
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