Question : Why is my Experian score about 30 points lower than my Equifax or TransUnion?
It's been this way for a few years. The only difference i see from glancing at the accounts is that the Equifax has more inquires in the last 2 years (5) than the other two (they have 3 and 2). Would that knock it down by 30 points? Or does Equifax just score lower?The scores range from 770 to 803 so I'm not worried about being denied credit -- I am just curious. Thanks in advance.
- asked by Barrabas_6025
All Answers: Answer #1You are right not to worry. As I do not worry at all about Experian nor about Equifax. These twothings are alien to me. - answered by Quack Doctor
Answer #2 All 3 companies usually give 3 different creditscores. The companies score differently. Usually, when getting a loan, banks only use themiddle number, so you don't have to worry aboutit. - answered by ande1285
Answer #3 Here is why Credit Bureaus have differentscores.Go to CreditScoreQuick and select thearticle on this date:Saturday, March 15, 2008 - answered by Mike C
Answer #4 For starters, are you getting FICO scores from allthree credit bureaus. Equifax uses FICO but theother two have their own system with a completelydifferent scale.Second, creditors may not reportto all three credit bureaus. They also report atdifferent times so the information varies.It iscompletely normal for all three FICO scores to bedifferent. - answered by bdancer222
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