Question : Anyone used to apply for a patent? Results?
Is it trustworthy? What was your experience?
- asked by lynlyn70
All Answers: Answer #1sorry. not me - answered by pamela Answer #2Yes, I've used them for both provisional and design patents. I had a great experience with theprovisional patent process--very timely responses,great drawings and helpful staff. The designpatent has been a different story...I was toldthey replaced most of the patent dept and my orderwas backed up for months. they are not a law firmbut they do prepare legal shouldknow that when you call customer service-- theycan't answer a lot of the questions you may wantthem to because they are not a law firm. Youmust do some leg work and have a basicunderstanding of patents before you go to thesite, but they streamline the process greatly. You pay for that process, but for me it was worthit. Yes, one can go to the US Patent Officeonline and get all the forms, but I wonder howmany patents get rejected simply because formsweren't filled out correctly? So for me it wasworth it to have Legal Zoom do it. I might usethem for another provisional patent or otherthings like a will or incorporation, but I'm notsure I would do a full design patent with themagain because of the lengthy time i waited forwork to be finished and the lack of communicationabout where they were in the process of myorder.As for their trustworthiness nothing hasraised any red flags for me and I receiveddocuments via express mail as they promised &confirmation from the USPO also, so I don'tquestion their trustworthiness. - answered by dramaticprof
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