Question : I am looking at legalzoom sevice for tax services for 1200.00 does it make sense to do that if i start an LLC?
I have started an LLC with legalzoom and they are offering tax services through a "consulting" partner, I am wondering if it is worth 1200 or is it available locally for a better relationship and deal?We are an oline LLC in California. Please comment if you are part of a firm who does this work or if you have experience with a flat rate service like this.
- asked by cpiesam
All Answers: Answer #1It all depends where you are and the size of your business. Ask around your local community, orflip through the Yellow Pages and make some calls. - answered by juyi
Answer #2 For being an accountant, this is the best advice Ican give you in searching for a financial advisor,find out all the information you can regarding thetax package they offer. For example, is thispackage just for LLC's? Would the rate change ifyou were to be incorporated? Does this packagedeal include financial statements, sales taxreturns (if needed), business tax returns and yourown personal returns? Does this include payrollreturns (if you were to employ anyone)? Also 1099sif you were to use independent contractors. Sayyou were to need to seek a business loan, wouldthey provide you with the most up to datefinancial statements and any other documents thatmost banks ask for, from your accountant? Do theydo all your actual bookkeeping, meaning do theytake all your accounts payables and accountsreceivables and run them through their system forensured accuracy?Remember, as your business grows,there comes a more increasing demand to have ahands on accountant, that will help you organizeand analyze your business practices to help youget more value dollar for dollar. That understandsyour business needs, and grows with you as yourbusiness grows.The relationship between a businessand its accountant is a very important one! If youworried about how much the bill would be,according to your legalzoom quote that is about a$100 a month, which is about right for a new LLCthat doesn't have much business activity. But ifthe package is minimized, as a lot of accountantsdo, you will pay up the nose in extras. The bestsuggestion is to find an accountant you trust withvital information, that you can have a solidrelationship with to help you know and understandyour money better, and not charge you up the youknow what in fees. - answered by mara_oliviero
Answer #3 That is too much , you can get better tax serviceat tax filing website like - answered by Rina S
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