Design and purchase custom t-shirts, custom mugs, posters, prints, cards, and postage online. High quality, fast turnaround, and volume discounts available.
Question : zazzle....?
I just started using this website, Zazzle, and it says that I can create items and then publish them, and then get paid a small amount for anyone who buys something from me.... it all seems to easy. I just want to be careful, do you have to pay any sort of fee, or is it all really this simple? Can someone who understands this website explain to me everything that they can? Thankyou so much! :-)
- asked by auf wiedersehen
All Answers: Answer #1Paper, Here's the deal on zazzle:You design a t-shirt logo, or graphics for a coffee mug, orwhatever. Someone is perusing the zazzlecommunity user designed artwork, and sees yourstuff, likes it, and buys a shirt with youruniquely designed print on it.You get a littleside commission for your art, and zazzle makes amuch bigger amount of money that will cover theshirt cost, the shipping, and the overhead andprofit for their end of it. That's it! There'sno financial hanky panky going on. I'm fairlysure there's no fee to you, the person designingthe art. It's a nice deal if you are an artsyperson, but I wouldn't leave your day job. -Kevin - answered by Kevin
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