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Swarovski - The magic of crystal

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Question : Swarovski crystal figurine repair?
I have a collection of Swarovski crystal animal figurines. They are made up out of different sizes of crystal pieces. Over time and during cleaning and drying, a few of the pieces have become detached from the main body, i.e. an ear here or a paw there, you get the picture. This crystal is very clear so I cannot simply take any kind of superglue and re-attach the lose parts.Is there a proper way to fix this or is there someone out there who does this professionally? Some of my pieces are rather valuable and I don't want to mess them up. The don't do me any good in fragments though. Thanks for any suggestions.
- asked by Huh?

All Answers:
Answer #1
Here is a couple of places that fix glassart "Super Glue".If you just can't stand theexpense for the professional job, then try the 5minute epoxy. Its clear, it comes in two partsthat you mix together and it works wonders. Ifirst used it on a marble chess piece that one ofthe kids broke. I can't even tell that it was everbroken and even stressed tested it to see if itwould break, but it held strong. I have since usedit on ceramics and various other materialssuccessfully, but I never have used it ontransparent objects. I suggest that you break aworthless glass piece and try using the epoxy onit first. If it looks acceptable to you, then useit on the more valuable pieces. Don't worry aboutthe epoxy boogers that ooze out of the creaks whenyou press the pieces together. You can clean theepoxy boogers off with a razor blade another day.Just concentrate on getting each piece settogether in exact alignment and then press for afew seconds. They will bond instantly and then youset the next piece and so on.The name of the epoxyis "DEVCON" High Strength 5 minute epoxy. It comesin two syringes and you mix the two partstogether. You must work fast or it will hardenbefore you use it. I recommend using a very smallamount at a time. you will be able to handle thepieces within 5 minutes after you bond them.Put inyour zip code on this site to find a DEVCONdistributor near you
- answered by Romeo

Answer #2
Romeo has a couple good sites, but you've alreadylost the "valuable" part of yourcollectibles......
- answered by superbird

Answer #3
Take it to a jewelry store or some kind of storethat sells these figurines. They may have someoneon site who can fix it. Otherwise there's thoseglass shops that have glass blowers, etc. They maybe able to fix it. If that doesn't help you mayneed to consider the sentimental value of thepiece and decide if you can bear to part with itor deal with the superglue. I used to sellSwarovski crystal figurines and we just sent themback to Swarovski when they broke. They neverfixed them for us. Sorry if this doesn't help.
- answered by Shauna P

Swarovski - The Magic of Crystal

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