Question : How safe is to eat hard candies on a porcelain bridge?
Hello.My bridge chopped before on one of my front tooth from grinding teeth while sleeping I suppose. I just woke up one morning with it chipped. Now I ate some candies and I see another tooth slightly chopped. Very slightly. Am I suppose not to eat anything hard? Or what should I be carefull about when eating?Thank youIt is a 10 teeth bridge hanging on 4 teeth. The 4 front teeth are gone. Left are the canins and 2 premolars.Cannot change all this bridge again. Too expensive.
- asked by IHY
All Answers: Answer #1No you shouldn't be chewing on hard candy. The porcelain on crowns and bridges is there foraesthetic reasons and is not meant to withstandexcessive force from hard objects. Doing so willdamage the porcelain as you've alreadyexperienced. If the anterior crowns areceramic/porcelain, then you will need themreplaced. If you have PFM (Porcelain fused tometal) crowns on the posterior teeth, somefractures of the porcelain are OK and would notrequire a new crown or bridge be made. But, ifthe porcelain damage is extensive, then your bitecould be compromised and create other dentalproblems. The only way to correct it would begetting new crowns/bridges. Get into your dentaloffice as soon as you can. This is not anemergency that requires immediate attention butshould be addressed sooner than later. Yourdentist will tell you if any of them needreplacing. In the meantime, leave the hard candyalone. Don't chew on any pens, pencils, etc asthese are very damaging too. A lot of money wasinvested in order for you to get this work doneand care should be used so you can have them lastyears. - answered by remain nameless
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