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Home & Garden » Little Giant Ladder »

Little Giant Ladder

Little Giant Type 1A Ladder

Little Giant Ladder System - 24 ladders in 1 - Made in U.S. - As seen on T.V.

What people talked about Little Giant Ladder:
Question: #1: Is the "Little Giant" ladder safe, sturdy andworth the steeper price?
- asked by conradbreen1

Absolutely! I use it for my home inspectionbusiness, so it's set up and hauled from house tohouse daily...and works phenomenally! I havelearned, that moisture does get into the hinges alittle so some WD-40 or something equivalent worksgreat. I would not trade it for any other ladder! - answered by: cnichol_t
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Question: #2: LITTLE GIANT LADDER vs WERNER MT-22 ladder?

i have two little giant ladders there great ,butfor just your around the home use i would go withthe Werner,Werner is a really nice ladder it wouldbe my next choice in ladders. Plus it will saveyou a little money. - answered by: lymburnerjames
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Question: #3: What do you think of the Little Giant Ladder?
Oh, in case people dont' know what it is-it's gotan infomercial, which, yes, i'm watching rightnow. It is a "24 in 1" ladder. It looks superhandy. I don't know how easy it is to use though. - asked by sundrizzler

I tend not to trust anything that needs aninfomercial to sell it. If it's a quality product,you shouldn't need an hour long commercial to sellit. - answered by: BearDown
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Question: #4: What do you think about folding ladders? LikeLittle Giant and others.?
I am thinking about buying one of these because Iuse ladders a lot on the job. Are they legit orare they something that professionals laugh at? Are they safe? What is the down side to them? - asked by Karasu

I bought one of these several years ago because iwas painting a commercial stairwell and using oneof these ladders was the easiest way to get to theceiling over the stairs. I bought one almostidentical to the little giant, but at about halfthe price, at Home Depot. I couldn't justifyspending $400 for a Little Giant. I still use theladder a lot and I'm pretty pleased with it. It'svery adjustable as you probably know, and is verystable. It's worked very well for me. The onlydrawback on my ladder, which may be different forthe Little Giant, is there is no adjustment on thelegs for setting up on unlevel ground. - answered by: Brother Phil
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Question: #5: How exactly do people PLAN a graffitti mission?
OK, Bob, you meet us at the bridge with yourLittle Giant ladder. Mary, stock up on spraypaint including all of the primary colors. John,get some polyurethane spray to protect the paintjob from ultra-violet rays. Susie, wear thatshort skirt and pop the hood on your car about 1/2mile from the graffitti zone to create a diversionfor the cops.OK, last thing, synchronize yourwatch, 3, 2, 1... - asked by MRJS

im not telling you becuase you are a under covercop waiting to catch me - answered by: slim_c0gnito
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Question: #6: Anyone own a Mazda 3 hatchback? How do you likeit?
I need a new car... am considering a Mazda 3 SGrand Touring 5 door - maunual transmission, ofcourse - with a few extras, namely the sunroofpackage and the navigation system. I need asmall, fuel effecient car with great gas mileage(and a trunk space capable of holding the 13'little giant ladder) that isn't a snore to drive. All of my research says a Mazda 3 is the way togo, but I'd like to hear from actual owners aboutthe cars' handling and performance.I currentlydrive a race modified '96 VW Jetta III... it won'ttake a Mustang in a straight line, but I cancorner at speed with perfect drift. :) And, yes,I do know that there are much more fuel efffecientcars out there, but the journey is just asimportant as the destination... no Kias or anyother A-B cars allowed. As in, a car that iscompletely boring to drive but will get you frompoint A to point B just fine.Thank you for yourtime, I appreciate your input... - asked by hipcat

Hey, hipcat! I saw your answer in the VW categoryand it led me here. Like you, I LOVE to drive,and I'll be 40 next week! I'm currently on my 3rdVW Golf 5-speed, all of which were purchased newand driven beyond 150,000 miles on the originalclutch. My 2000 model just passed that milestone,and since I drive about 600 miles per week, I'mconsidering replacing it and have also beenlooking at Mazda.Where we differ is that I'mlooking to go bigger because I have a 15 year oldson who's on the basketball team, so I need roomfor him and his friends. So I'm waiting for theMazda CX-7 to come out so I can test drive it. Itook a trip to the New York Auto Show just to seeit in person, and while I was there, I saw the newVW RABBIT! It's better looking than the Jetta andGTI, because they did the grille differently. Itwill be available this summer - so if you'relooking for a hatchback, I highly recommendit.*addendum*I went through the car washyesterday, and there was a Mazda 6 in front of meand an RX-8 behind me, so I asked each of thosedrivers how they liked them, and both emphaticallysaid they love the car and it's fun to drive. Unfortunately, neither of them drives as manymiles as we do, so I couldn't get insight ondistance driving and maintenance issues. - answered by: HearKat
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Question: #7: Werner or Gorilla, who makes the better ladder?
Forget the Little Giant, it's too expensive. Sobetween the Werner 21' and the Gorilla 21', whichcompany makes the better ladder?? - asked by offcrferg

the three legged ladder is the best! I'm short andI work outside doing HVAC and I'm always on aladder the three legged one is the best notgorilla - answered by: S.H.A.R.P. 1
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Question: #8: Incentive ideas for marketingpromotions/contests???
what would be a great incentive to offer toinsurance agents who qualify for certainpromotions I'll run in the future. I'm lookingfor new and creative ideas and not the same oldtrips to somewhere, gift cards, branded companyclothing/etc, or comission incentives. I'mlooking for new ideas that are relatively genderneutral and would like to run more frequentpromotions with less expensive items vs. prioryears. So, I would like to focus on items rangingfrom $25 for smaller promotions to around $300 formy larger ones....items or services that areuseful or handy around home or office, items thatget used and don't collect dust. They get enoughof those things.I'm considering Little Giantladder systems or dash mounted GPS for vehiclesbut I'm not sure that women would respond to theseas well as men. Men seem to be drawn togadgets.Any help is appreciated. - asked by RYAN

For women you could get offer winning a day at thenicest spa for the winner and a friend. Womenlove this!! for the men you could offer a day ata golf resort for him and a buddy. Those will gettheir butts moving for sure!! - answered by: l'il mama
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Question: #9: Are you a fan of "Paid Advertisements"?
What's your favorite? I like The Little GiantLadder. the ones all over t.v.before 8:00 a.m. - asked by rhonda y

nope ban all ads an telimarketers. - answered by: sneaky snake
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Question: #10: A giant hole through the earth. Would you float inthe middle?
Let's say there is a giant hole all the waythrough Earth1st)If you jumped in would you fallback and forth until you eventually came to thecenter2)or if there was a ladder and you climbeddown, would you just float in the center or wouldyou be crushed by gravity into a little ball ofmass?Now, I assume strange stuff to begin that youprobably can't have any of this with no center ofgravity? But if it's possible to put thatasideOr, there for what would happen to earth ifthey did drill a hole from one side through theother and there was no center of gravity, wouldthe planet just fall into space?and if so would itbe right at the moment you dug at thecenter?Really, I just want to know the 2nd)scenerio if you would float or be crushed andthere is some super mega metal wall so no burningup from heat or anythingjust gravity curiousity - asked by J S

[Short answers]1) No, but if you sealed the endsof the hole and vaccuumed out the air, you couldbounce back and forth indefinitely2)No, gravity ismax right here on the surface, and decreases asyou go down. But you would not be strong enoughto overcome the bouyant forces of denser air toclimb down much further than about 50 miles.3) No,constructing such a hole, tho a monumental (andvaluable) feat, would not cause any harm to theplanet.[Long explanation, my response to aprevious posting of this question] If you were ina hollow sphere in the exact center of Earth, themass of Earth would be evenly distributed aroundyou, therefore also the gravitational forcesgenerated. If the sphere were small compared toyour body size, you'd experience microgravity(weightlessness), similiar to aboard anunaccelerating spaceship. If the sphere were muchlarger than your body size, you'd feel a slighttugging toward the nearest wall of it, i.e, you'dexhibit a weight of grams or ounces, depending onthe size of the sphere, being completelyweightless only when you were in the exact centerof the sphere.(Added after your additionaldetails) -Yes, if you jumped into such a well youwould have to climb or be lifted out:There's airin the well. Terminal velocity for a human inEarth freefall is in the range of about 100 (ifyour fall flat, arms and legs extended) to 200miles per hour (if you "dive", body and limbsstraight). If it weren't for the fact that thedensity of the air wouldn't be constant withdepth, you'd maintain close to this speed for thefirst few hours (remember, it's 4000 miles to thecenter from here), until you were deep enough thata significant percentage of the mass of Earth wasbehind you. Then you'd gradually begin slowingdown due to air friction versus the decreasing netgravitational force on you. After a couple of daysof this, you'd be approaching the center of Earthat about the same speed as a feather fallingthrough the air.But if you factor into your wellthe fact that air pressure will increase by afactor of about 10 for every 10 miles down you go,you'll figure that you're going to have realtrouble even get close to the center. Thereasoning is this: at sea level, the volume of airequal to the volume of a person (about 3 cubicfeet maybe) weighs about 0.006 pounds. Every 10miles down you go, that same volume will weigh 10times more. If I have it figured right (anyone outthere???), somewhere between about 40 and 50 milesdown the air density will equal that of water. Youwill float at that point just as if you were inwater. Swimming down much further will beincreasingly difficult since unlike water, thedensity of the air will still keep increasing withdepth, making your bouyancy progressively moredifficult to overcome. The only way to be able tofall all the way to the center would be to sealand apply vacuum to your well. Then when youjumped in with your spacesuit on, no air or airfriction will slow you down. If the vacuum wasclose to perfect, you'd accelerate at a 1G rate tothousands of miles per hour within minutes (100seconds at 1G = 32ft/sec^2 =3200ft/sec~=0.6mps=2182mph), Gradually, this rate ofacceleration will decrease as more of the mass ofEarth becomes behind you, becoming 0 as you passthrough the center, then gradually tending toreverse your acceleration to the point where yourspeed would be zero just about time you hitsurface level on the opposite side (you did digALL the way through, right?). Then you would startfalling back again, and if your vacuum wereperfect, continue this cycle indefinitely. - answered by: Gary H
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