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Zales offers customers an extensive selection of quality jewelry in a wide variety of price categories
Question: #1: Can someone help me find a zales.com promo code that works?
I'm looking for a coupon code for Zales.com forsomething other than free shipping that actuallyworks. Can anyone help?
- asked by lnfinitelylnteresting
Here are the current Zales on line deals. They donot have many coupon codes at the time. The freeshipping one is a code and expires on the 26th,the others are exclusivedeals. http://www.24houredeals.com/Zales-coupons-629-mer.html - answered by: thequeww View All Answers (2)
Question: #2: I am looking to buy an engagement ring. I love item #16923989 at Zales.com, but is this a goodring to get?
I am limited on money and have been with this girlfor over 3 years now and I feel it is time to takethe next step. I am just wondering if the ringmetioned above is a good deal and a good ring toget. I can end up getting the ring for $539.00.Thanks in advance!
- asked by Joe S
That is beautiful! I would love a ring like that.Good choice!! - answered by: az gal View All Answers (26)
Question: #3: Will zales.com ship my order discretely? Or will it have "ZALES" printed all over the packaging?
Already searched the website. Nothing there.Called customer service, its all robotic. No helpthere.
- asked by Jupiter
It should be discreet. You can call customerservice to make sure. - answered by: Lita View All Answers (2)
Question: #4: What is a shell box from Zales?
Is it like a traditional box or just a cardboard box?Example:http://www.zales.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2530972&cp=2071132.2109141&pg=1&numResultsPerPage=96&cp=2071132&fbn=Gender%7CLadies%27&f=PAD%2FGender%2FLadies%27&fbc=1&categoryId=2109141&kpc=1&s=A-StorePrice-ZALES&parentPage=search&searchId=20922709281
- asked by Kim
Its a little box in the shape of a shell thatholds your pearls . Pearls come from shells that'swhy. - answered by: barbie&joe View All Answers (4)
Question: #5: Is it possible to resize a Past, Present, Future engagement ring from Zales?
My boyfriend and are I planning on gettingengaged, so we are looking at rings together. Ihave found a ring that I LOVE (at a great price),but it is a Past, Present, Future ring from Zales(with the words inscribed on the band). However,it only comes in size 7 because of theinscription. I wear 6.5! Is it possible to getthis type of ring resized? I don't care so muchabout the inscription--nobody sees thatanyways!http://www.zales.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2085836&cp=2109180.2137037&categoryId=2137037&parentPage=search&searchId=19270300053
- asked by Misty Dawn
the diamonds on the side are channel, and fromwhat ive been told you can't resize a ring thathas channel set diamonds like that because you andlose diamonds. I looked at something similar tothat for my possible new wedding ring.. and when iinquired about sizing that's what I was told. Goodluck. - answered by: navywife_2001 View All Answers (11)
Question: #6: Ladies which one of these necklace you like the best?
This gift is for a 'special someone' ;) I choosethese ones because Amethyst is her gemstone.Herbirthday is on Monday by the way. So 1, 2, 3, or4?http://www.zales.com/compare/index.jsp?tempProductIds=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&pageActionForBack=..%2Fsearch%2Findex.jsp%3Fpg%3D3%26fbx%3D0%26cp%3D2251087%26fbn%3DStyle%257CNecklace%26f%3DPAD%252FGender%252FLadies%2527%26f%3DPAD%252FStyle%252FNecklace%26fbc%3D1%26categoryId%3D2282133%26kpc%3D1&pg=3&kpc=1&prodCount=10&cp=2251087.2282133&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_&prodsToCompare=2833970_2765135_2119002_2739313_She's just turning18...
- asked by Jace
I like the first one. It isn't too flashy and itseems really classy. - answered by: hey girl hey. View All Answers (23)
Question: #7: Does anyone know where I can get a watch with a rotating face?
http://www.zales.com/sm-mens-silver-plated-rotating-pocket-watch--pi-2119115.html I mean one likethis, but on a strap... So that the face flipsover so you can put in a message... Any helpmuchly appreciated!
- asked by acissej:D
look on some auction sites ! x - answered by: Georgia F View All Answers (1)
Question: #8: Is a promise ring the same as an engagement ring?
i was just looking into it, and that's what they have on zales.com. I don't know much about thiskind of stuff...
- asked by Richie B
Everyone has already answered you as to whether apromise ring is an engagement ring, so I won't gointo that.But, if you're looking to buy anengagement ring for less, try a different stoneother than a diamond...maybe her birthstone or asapphire, which is another durable gem. That way,you can afford to get her a larger stone that youwould be able to otherwise. Take a look at thejewelry she owns and see what stones she favors. Also, look into the meanings of some of thestones: topaz is the stone of true love, emeraldis fidelity, and so on. Though I definitelyrecommend sapphire because it goes with anyoutfit.Just make sure that the sapphire is realand that the ring is 14k gold or greater (if yougo with gold).I've found these that arenice: http://www.szul.com/product_details.asp?ProdId=PRR3637SP http://www.szul.com/product_details.asp?ProdId=PRR3621SP&CategoryId=28 - answered by: Galoshes View All Answers (15)
Question: #9: What do you think of this engagement ring?
This is the ring my boyfriend wants to get me.... what is your opinion ofit?http://www.zales.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2526695&cp=2109180.2137034.&parentPage=search&searchId=19222804013
- asked by *ae*
~wow~ that is a very beautiful ring. but..what dou think of the ring. u will be the one wearing it.does it suite your taste? or is it what he wantsfor u? do u have something else in mind? if so,maybe u two could compromise. or...i could wearthat ring for u :-) - answered by: patchoulii2 View All Answers (23)
Question: #10: Is this good promise ring for an 18 year old or more of an engagment ring?
The HTMLis:http://www.zales.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2939899&cp=2071132.2109136&pg=2&cp=2071132&fbn=StorePrice%7C%24100.00+-+%24200.99&fbc=1&categoryId=2109136&kpc=1&fr=StorePrice%2FZALES%2F00010000%2F00020099&parentPage=search&searchId=28859608183
- asked by Steveomills890
that is a beautiful promise ring - answered by: sarcasm is love<3 View All Answers (7)
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