Question : Essay help!We as a world burn are fossil fuels like crazy how will we manage when their gone?
I want your opinoin.Its gonna go some time.Do you think using part of the profits earned from fossil fuels(oil,natural gas,coal,)to fund research for unused renewable resources like solar wind and boifuels is a good Idea?I think so.It would also give as a backup and stop being dependent on fossil fuels and stop global warming.Enough of my opinoin, whats yours?
- asked by klsrps
All Answers: Answer #1that is a good idea. My opinion is. There is a profound reason why we are running out of fossilfuels so quickly, and how we have royally screwedourselves in the scheme of things. I think it'sGod's own test of survival of the fittest. Wevespent the past few millenia creating and creatingall this garbage and nonsense gadgets that arekilling our precious earth. At the same timewe've been creating and creating more of us. Weare like a parasite to the earth, and the earthrunning out of fossil fuels and global warming andstuff is all an act of trying to rid us from theplanet, because we've been so cruel. I say, letus use up all the fossil fuels we want. Let gasget up to $50 a gallon. Only the rich will beable to afford it, everyone else will find othermeans of transportation, such as running, biking,walking, skateboards, etc. All environmentallyfriendly means of transportation. Us on our feetwill adapt to the weather changes and be strongenough to take on whatever mother nature throws atus with global warming. When all the fossil fuelsrun out, all the rich people in their fancy carswill still be fat and gross and need airconditioning, and will die when they run out ofgas. So, by running out of fossil fuels, wecreated a superstrong human race, weeded out allthe rich people who were fat and lazy, now thereis more money to disperse amoungst the middleclass and poverty. We help cure global poverty,and our overpopulation problem. The world is abetter place with global warming. - answered by kyle_made_me_get_this
Answer #2 I think so, that will take some government actionsto make sure those oil companies use their moneyon researching renewable energies technologies. If we continue to use fossil fuels like we areright now, it's going to be bad.... - answered by Edmond L
Answer #3 With great difficulty.Of course you're right, butthere seems to be little political will to passlaws to do that.That will change (it has to whenoil gets very expensive), but will it change soonenough to avoid hard times? I'm pessimistic aboutthat. - answered by Bob
Answer #4 You asked for opinion, so keep in mind that iswhat I am giving. It's likely to make some peopleuncomfortable, and even offend some who aren'tsecure in their thoughts on the subject.Part ofthe problem is that any good solution will requiresome sort of sacrifice by the public, commerce,and industry, and that will make it unpopular andpolitical suicide. So no politician is going totake the steps to implement a good solution beyondwhat the general population and the powerfulcorporations are happy with. The corporations willonly do what is most profitable for them. Not thatyou can hold them at fault for that, because,after all, that is their only reason for existing.So it's going to take widespread public opinion tomake any difference. But what is the general waythe leading nation in the world thinks aboutthings? A huge percentage believes in asupernatural being that created the world soleyfor us to have dominion over, and who willultimately save his followers from bad things ifwe just believe and pray hard enough. Some of themfully believe that before long, the faithful willbe whisked away and none of this will matteranyway, so we don't need to worry about it. Thereis also a strong push to discredit science (justask any Creationist about how good science worksfor figuring out things). So all in all, a hugenumber will never even believe there is a problemneeding to be addressed due to their religion. Theway we teach is also an issue. Critical thinkingskills take a back seat in school when compared topolitical correctness, social networking,information technologies, and entertainment(sports, etc). Most things in our society teach usto compete and beat the other guy at all costs,not to work together for a beneficially mutualsolution. Even in team sports, the only purpose ofthe team is to beat the other team. Looking outfor #1 is not going to solve this problem.Most ofthe public's information comes from the newsmedia. They tell what sells. They are corporationsalso, so they are going to tell the stories thatpeople want to hear in the way they want to hearthem, because that is more profitable. So you cancount on the news to trend toward sensationalismthat gives people a trill. Much like thepopularity of horror films like Nightmare on ElmStreet, a good scare is popular, but not if youhave to think about it too much or if it's toorealistic.Right now, global warming is a mediadarling. Things are getting warmer worldwide, yes.But it has been turned into a popularity contestand a political catchphrase that is sure to hideany good science being done on the matter. Forinstance, you list coal among your fossil fuels.We are not anywhere near to running low onlow-sulfur, easily mined coal. New technologiesare making it reasonably clean to produce powerfrom, but there is still a stigma against burningcoal in popular opinion. Face it, even if we gotpopular opinion behind finding enough alternativesources for fossil fuel, it's going to take a longtime to make the switch, just due to the time ittakes to get a powerplant or refinery up andrunning. We need to use coal until that can bedone. Yes, work as hard as we can to convert tomethane, solar, wind, and hydrothermal. The realproblem? Too many people wanting too much. Andthose are two of the "basic human rights" to mostpeople. The right to have as many children as youwant, and the right to live as good of a life asyou can. Unfortunately, "good" is usually definedin a way that it means something close to "consumeas much as you can".Sure, we can manage.But firstwe need to change our basic way of thinking. - answered by Hi Speed Low Friction
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