The world's largest golf store for golf equipment, golf accessories, golf gear and golf clothing.
Question : Golfsmith?
I am wondering if anyone has ordered anything from, and if you have, how was the service?I am thinking about buying a tennis skirt from there.
- asked by tennisetviola
All Answers: Answer #1Slow to deliver, overpriced, and bad descriptions. Go with ebay, or Golfsmithlies!!!!!!! - answered by ixnaytim
Answer #2 GolfSmith is a great company, fast to deliver,same prices as everyone else, and the descriptionsare great on some stuff and some it's not. Stayaway from eBay. Golf Galaxy is worse ondesriptions and service than GS. - answered by bboard1117
Answer #3 I've ordered from GolfSmith regularly over theyears. Their prices are good, shipping is fast andservice is excellent. I typically order clubcomponents for my clubmaking hobby/business andhave never been disappointed. - answered by GolfBlogger.Com
Answer #4 I'm a frequent Golfsmith customer, both in-storeand online. Their prices are average, but theirsale prices are pretty good. Service is great andthey have really fast shipping. - answered by x-15a2
Answer #5 Now they are the only store I deal with , I shoponline and instore , I really love their clubtrade program , they have always had SuperCustomer Service and fast delivery , I don't havea bad thing to say about them. - answered by O-H
Answer #6 I've ordered a couple items from there. Servicewas excellent. - answered by Jason G
Answer #7 My personal experience, strictly on-line ordering,is that I could always find the item cheaper atanother web site, their shipping charge was morethan other websites, and they have to charge salestax because they have stores in most every state.Again, my experience is just on-line purchases. - answered by toughnottobeacynic
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