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Travel » Rail Europe »

Rail Europe

See the real Europe with Rail Europe offers travel tips and tickets by train in Europe. Eurorail and Eurail passes, Eurostar tickets and point-to-point tickets can all be reserved and purchased on the Rail Europe site. Full fares and schedules are also available.
Question : Which trains can we board (Italy only) using a Rail Europe pass? Also, do we need to make reservations?
Can we get on any train going our way regardless of train company? Or, are we limited to travel ONLY on Rail Europe trains (if there is such a thing)? Also, how risky is it to travel without train reservations?
- asked by Janis M

All Answers:
Answer #1
My feeling is I don't use EuroRail passes and Ijust buy the ticket for the next trip the day Iget to the new city (so I leave in 3-5 days) and Idon't need to worry about it not being valid.
- answered by JTz

Answer #2 login - password is0128888
- answered by onyi

Answer #3
Check out the real cost- will you really savemoney buying the pass if you travel 2nd class(which is fime) last I knew the pass was for 1stclass travel which you dont need. In Europe eachCountry had a railroad- no competition.
- answered by Wizzard2

Answer #4
I don't know the answer to your question, but I dohave one piece of advice when traveling on theItalian railroad system: Make sure you stamp yourtrain tickets BEFORE your board the train. Thereis, in each station, usually mounted on the wallin the hallway leading to the platform, a smallyellow box with a slot into which you insert yourticket to have it stamped. If you do not have aSTAMPED ticket while on the train when theconductor comes by (even though you DO have aticket) you will have to pay a fine on the spot.This is unlike on American (and Swiss) trains,where the conductor comes by to check to see thatyou have a ticket, and proceeds to stamp it onboard the train.This was the source of the onlyphrase in Italian I picked up while visiting thatbeautiful country: Sempre en Italia, stampi lebiglietti!(Always in Italy, stamp the tickets!)Ciao!
- answered by Mark V

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Answer #5
Unless things have changed (I traveled all ofEurope with a eurorail pass 5 years ago) the onlytrains you can't get on are the "speedtrains"---unless you want to pay a little bitmore. As long as you get there early enough anddon't need to have a seat to sleep in don't worryabout reservations. One night we had to sleep onthe floor of the train from Prauge to Venicebecause we got there late and al of the seats weretaken....aside from that it was wonderful....justkeep an eye on your bags I had mine taken inFrance, luckily I had all of my money and otherimportant stuff in another bag that I slept with. I had the time of my life and wish I could do itevery year...HAVE FUN!!!
- answered by araujojessica9

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