Question : Is there any way for me to travel from the UK to China by boat or land/rail through Europe?
Basically I'd like to travel to China, but I have a fear of planes unfortunately. So I suppose either by boat or a month long journey through Europe would be the only way. I would prefer the boat way tbh. Any feedback on this would be helpful.
- asked by SEGA
All Answers: Answer #1Yes... it's possible... in fact, there was a series on the BBC a few years ago when Nigelwhats-his-name made that trip. It is a muchlonger trip than a month, however. The OrientExpress is still running and that is usable forpart of the trip. - answered by lettucer
Answer #2 The trans Siberia Express is still running, thereare many tour companies that combine the Russiantrain with a Chinese train, and as such bringingyou to China, but the return will almost always beby plane. So you would need to get it arranged totravel by rail both ways or find transport overwater for one way.This is a 6 to 10 day journey,if my memory serves me well.That train leaves fromMoscow, so add a few more days for the Europeanleg of the Journey, trains to Moscow leave fromAmsterdam (and I think also from Brussels andParis.)I have tried to find a cruise-line before,did not find any that did go direct, and the longway round will take months and a fortune.You couldask in the Cruise part of Yahoo answers, as thepeople there are much better at home in seatravel. - answered by Willeke
Answer #3 By ship: P&O from Southampton (UK) to Hong Kong,from Hong Kong 3 hours train ride to Canton(Huangzou).By train: W.Europe to Moskou, in Moskouby Transsiberian until Vladivostok or earlier stopwhere you can make connection to China. In bothcases back by plane. Bon voyage. - answered by Albert Heger
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