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Travel » British Airways »

British Airways

British Airways - for flights, car hire, hotels

British Airways is the UK's largest international scheduled airline, flying to over 550 destinations at convenient times, to the best located airports.

What people talked about British Airways:
Question: #1: british airways?
would someone be kind enough to tell me how manyplanes does british airways own/operate in total? - asked by kritical_187

The posters above gave you great information aboutBritish Airways fleet. Here is another websitethat gives you up to date information aboutairline's fleet. It has information about activefleet, number of aircrafts stored, history of thefleet, planned aquistion and age of thefleet. A319: 33 activeAirbus A320-100:4 active, 1 storedAirbus A320-200: 22 activeAirbusA321-100: 7 activeBoeing 737-300: 5 activeBoeing737-400: 19 activeBoeing 737-500: 9 activeBoeing747-400: 57 activeBoeing 757-200: 13 activeBoeing767-300: 21 activeBoeing 777-200: 43 activeAlso,clicking on the each different models will giveyou more information such as registration,manufacturer's serial number, delivery date andremarks (i.e. - if the aircraft is leased, etc.) - answered by: akz
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Question: #2: Am i allowed to transfer my ticket with BritishAirways to another day?
I am supposed to travel to Africa on the 23rd butdue to some unpleasant circumstances i might notbe able to travel. Will British Airways allow meto transfer to a week later or to December.Anybody had a similar situation and was it easy totransfer. - asked by maggie s

I changed my flight with British Airways yesterday- it cost two hundred and thirty pounds - seventyfive pounds each to change the ticket ( there aretwo of us going) and additional money due totaxes. Had to pay otherwise would have lost allour money. The ticket is valid for one year fromthe date of buying it - answered by: PurplePompeyChic
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Question: #3: How comfortable are World Traveller Seats onBritish Airways?
Im flying to London on a boeing 747 on BritishAirways next week and im in World TravellerClass(Coach) and I want to know how comfortablethe seats are. - asked by luke C

I've flown World Traveller (economy) a few timesand the seats are just normal economy class seats,nothing special but with decent in-flightentertainment. I checked on and WorldTraveller seats have slightly less (1") seatpitch(legroom), than most other airlines. - answered by: Gerald J
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Question: #4: What are the best Business Class seats on BritishAirways for a couple travelling from Sydney toLondon?
We will be travelling together in 2009 when thenew business class seats are installed and wouldlike advice on the best seats for a coupletravelling together. I am only interested inBritish Airways flights from Sydney to London. - asked by Deanne C

The 747-436, which will operate on your sector,has Club on the upper deck. The area only seats20 passengers, and is notably quiet and private. These seats tend to be the designated rows of60-64. There are also two lavatories on the upperdeck.As you will travel as a couple, you ought toenjoy the 2-2 seating, compared to the 2-4-2 onthe lower deck. Additional storage is also foundin seats A,K (rows 60-64).Enjoy your flight, andhopefully T5 will have settled by then! - answered by: Dan M
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Question: #5: I want to be a pilot and fly for British Airwayshow do I get there?
I live in Vancouver BC, Canada what would i haveto do to fly for British Airways? - asked by Dhesi

The cost to obtain a private pilot license couldrun you over $10,000. To fly for British Airways,you would also have to obtain a commercial licenseas well as additional specialized ratings andother required certifications. That could run upyour costs to $30,000 or more.I would highlyrecommend that you join the Canada's Air Force andvolunteer for pilot training. Not only would younot be charged anything to attend military flighttraining, but you would be paid a militaryofficer's salary during your training aswell.Commercial airlines love to hire formermilitary pilots because of their flight trainingand experience. So it would be less expensive forthe airlines to give you the additional trainingto convert you from military aircraft tocommercial aircraft.Click on the source links Iposted below for more information. - answered by: Poor Horatio
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Question: #6: what is it like riding in a british airways plans,are they nice?
I have never been in a plane and I am flyingoverseas on british airways. I am scared to death. So I was wondering how the planes were, if theywere nice in couch, if the seats are crowdedtogether. - asked by newbie

My first time on a plane was using British Air tofly to London. I had a very nice experience, andthe food wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. - answered by: Phil
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Question: #7: What do people thing the cause of the britishairways crash today was?
the british airways plane tht crashed at heathrowairport today wat do u think the cause is? - asked by James B

The BA pilots and crew are one of the best trainedin the world. It is interesting that the planecompletely lost power before landing and crashedwithout any warning. It could still be due topilot's fatigue (tiredness). - answered by: curious
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Question: #8: How do british airways & easy jet deal with theirinternal customers; respond to needs of externalcustomers?
i was jus doin some coursework for travel andtourism n wanted to know how do british airwaysand easy jet deal with their internal customersi.e their cabin crew,suppliers n how do they meettheir needs and expectations, and how do britishairways and air emirates respond to the needs oftheir external customers? - asked by Shruti M

i just flew with easyjet 2 weeks ago from eastmids to alicante.they are actually very good i wasvery happy with them! they give priority overbording so if you have speedy bording you boardfirst, so if you arrive at the airport firstbasically you board first! they have their safetyinformation in different languages on my flightspanish and english!they all looked very smart,was very polite, they went around withrefreshments and sandwiches twice a wide choicewhich weren't too expensive! duty free wasavailble and came around with charity scratchcards!!! sorry never been with BA - answered by: rachel d
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Question: #9: How to reschedule air line ticket (BritishAirways) after arriving at my destination(Vancouver).?
If I decide, after arriving at my destination(Vancouver) that I want to return earlier, willthe airline (British Airways) make it possible toreschedule the flight? I had booked it through thetravel agent based in Goa, India. - asked by Deepk

It depends on what type of ticket you bought inGoa. Some tickets are really cheap with tons ofrestrictions - so the best way to do is just callBA in Vancouver and find out what type of ticketand how much do you have to pay (if applicable).BAin US/Canada : 1-800-AIRWAYS or (800) 247-9297 - answered by: Travel_assistant
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Question: #10: How much can I claim or how to sue an airlineBritish Airways for lost luggage?
I arrived in British Airways to US for a two monthstay. British airways lost both my checked inluggages. One luggage was returned in two days,but even after 14 days, there is no news about thesecond luggage. Yesterday they delivered aluggage, which was not mine and I refused toaccept it. However now they claim they havedelivered my luggage and the case is closed. Isthere a legal way I can get British Airways tocompensate me? The items in the bag are of muchsentimental value as they include items I madewith my own hands and in my free time for mygrandsons in the US. Please share yourexperiences. Thank you - asked by pho

Unfortunately a law suit would go nowhere andhonestly no lawyer would persue it. You would paymore for the case than what you actually lost. There really is no legal recourse. Airlines have7 days to return your luggage before you areentitled to any compensation. And generally whatyou are entitled to by most airlines is $25/dayfor 7 days for personal hygiene products. Sinceyou claim the second piece delivered was not yourpiece, you should have already filled out adetailed claim listing the contents and theirvalue. Sentimental value is not the same asretail value unfortunately. Be as honest andprecise as possible and they will be able todetermine your amount of compensation. Theairport at the local level will not be able totake care of this, you have to be in constantcommunication with their Baggage Service Center. If they say your baggage was delivered and youclaim you never signed for it, then you need tohave them call the local baggage claim office fromwhich it was delivered and get a copy of thesignature. All files are to be kept on hand for aminimum of 30 days. As a former airline employeeof another airline I did have to work in thetrenches in baggage claim many times. Everyonehates that job. But, sometimes agents will closefiles out of force of habit once they are taken bythe delivery company. The delivery company shouldalso have a copy of the signature for who signedfor the piece. Unfortunately checking luggage isat your own risk. The only thing airlines have toguarentee is getting you to your destination. Ifthere are things of value in your luggage,airlines do not guarentee they will not bedamaged, stolen or lost in transit. Read theairlines contract of carriage to see what it saysabout baggage as each one may be different. Youshould be entitled to some sort of compensation tobe determined by the airline if your have notrecieved your baggage as of yet. Keep copies ofyour file that you received when you made theclaim on arrival. Document every call that isplaced, names of people you spoke to and what wassaid. They document your record on the other endwith every call and details of the conversation. One way to keep your luggage from getting lost intransit is to always put current ID tags on theoutside as well as on the inside. You should havea copy of your itinerary as well as contact names,phone numbers and addresses of where you will be. That way if any of the outer tags are seperated,when the agents go inside the bag to find anythingto identify who it belongs to, then they will havesome leads. If you failed to do any of this,there really isnt much an airline can do toidentify your bag. There are millions of blackroller bags out there that end up in a warehousebecause people didnt put proper identification onthem or in them. If you failed to do this, itspretty much a lost cause. Lesson should be, nevercheck items that have value. If they are toolarge to carry on, ship them. But as I said,checked luggage is not guarenteed. Loss as wellas damage happen and there is no full proof systemestablished. Im sorry you experienced this, it isfrustrating. Trust me, Ive been on the other endand getting yelled at for things I could notcontrol sucks. Just remember that while "theairline" failed you, the people you are dealingwith are doing what they can to find your baggage. Sometimes it may take months to turn up, butevery once in a while you can get lucky.Good luckand I hope they make it right for you. - answered by: southrntrnzplnt
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British Airways - for flights, car hire, hotels

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