eDiets.com is a premier online diet, fitness, and healthy living destination offering professional advice, information, product and services to those seeking to improve their health and longevity. eDiets offers multiple "personalized online programs" that meet different diets needs on the market.
Question: #1: what is the best free ediet?
Anyone had good results using a self diet online? Am tired of yo yoing and do not want to joinanother weight watchers or Jenny Craig.Would liketo do it on my own with a little help
- asked by nurseglp@sbcglobal.net
You could try one of the free online caloriecounting tools. They usually have forums andarticles to go with the free webtools.FitDay: http://fitday.com/DailyPlate: http://www.thedailyplate.com/I found out about both fromthe Diet & Exercise Spot, which has a greatcollection of online links, articles andmore: http://www.fanpop.com/spots/diet-and-exercise - answered by: Suzi View All Answers (4)
Question: #2: ediet.com? Worth it?
I need a diet with a focus on low Glycemic Index foods. I need to loose 25 lbs, and I halve PCOS. Iknow someone who did the ediet and lost so manylbs since I had seen her last (months) that Iwasn't 100% sure it was her before I said hello.She said it took a lot of work which I can do. Sois this worth it? They have special right nowwhere you pay $4.49 a week instead of $9.97 aweek. Anyone out there who has done this programon ediet.com?I am swimming 3 times a week with ournew membership at a local community center duringlap swim. So I am exercising regularly.
- asked by Sarah
Please be wary of ediets as there are somecomplaints posted on this website: http://www.ripoffreport.com and just search'ediets' or such. Some have said that edietscharged them when they shoudn't have. Ediets doeshave a weight loss book out in the bookstores andperhaps that would be more affordable and saferfor the bank account ;) Perhaps also joining agym with a month to month contract can help aswell. (That's awesome that you are doing that! And swimming is supposed to have little to nojarring to the joints :)For healthful eating tipsand to look for a registered dietician (RD): http://www.eatright.orgFor the new food pyramid: http://www.pyramid.gov - answered by: jannsody View All Answers (2)
Question: #3: Question about EDiet Meal Plan?
I want and right now need to be on a diet that has a meal plan and shopping list. I am curious as tohow much imput do people have on those withediets, when you sign up do you take a survey, doyou put in foods you like and don't like, or doyou have to constantly substitute foods.Yes I knowthat ediets does have a cost, and I do know aboutother free sites, but if you can answer this itwould be a huge help!
- asked by serendipitied376
Basically you get to pick what diet works best foryou, and you find out what they think is mostcompatible for you based on your answers (but theydon't make you choose it). The questions are basedon your lifestyle, how much you want to cook,where your health is, etc. Then they costumize thediet to fit your needs for your weight. Theyusually have "You can eat...... OR....." so youget to pick from two. Some diets have it so thatthere are staples you know you can ALWAYS have forbreakfast/lunch/snack/dinner now matter what dayit is and what your meal plan for the rest of theday is. - answered by: FreeCheese View All Answers (0)
Question: #4: im on the ediet. i just started it.?
I was wondering if there is any way i can change the day that i get my shopping list and menues. Inow receive them on Wed. but would like toreceive them on Mon. Could someone please let meknow. Thanks!!!
- asked by missindy46
Here is the contact info:Toll-Free Support: (800) 265-6170 Local Support: (954) 571-0100Fax: (800) 804-3595Corporate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------eDiets.com3801 W. Hillsboro Blvd.Deerfield Beach, Florida33442 Phone: (954) 360-9022 Fax: (954) 360-9095 - answered by: Jo Jo View All Answers (2)
Question: #5: are u rich and ediet or poor and mean ?
- asked by nono
wat - answered by: llac_queen View All Answers (1)
Question: #6: eDiet I am a man 25 years and do not know how propose to a lady and I need your help.?
- asked by raphael d
Tell her you love her, you can't live without herand you'd be the happiest man on the planet if sheagreed to marry you :o) - answered by: kass View All Answers (3)
Question: #7: Does anyone know a website that gives you a FREE complete diet plan?
I know of Special K and ediet.com, but are thereother ones that are better?
- asked by sidney w
WWW.SELF.COM you can sign up for their free selfchallenge and it gives you everything you need! - answered by: silly billy View All Answers (3)
Question: #8: I'm fixing to take the plunge & try eDiets Deliciously Yours for 1 week. Gonna cost me$131.60 Is it worth it?
I've been asking this for a few weeks now & amthinking of going ahead and just doing it today,but just wanna see if anyone at all has anyopinions on eDiets Deliciously Yours. This is theprogram that delivers freshly prepared healthymeals right to your door. All you have to do isheat and eat. It's pretty expensive and I don'tknow if it's gonna be a waste of money or not soI'd like to get some opinions on it please. Please only give opinions about eDiet DeliciouslyYours if you've tried it. I've already heard notto try diets becuz they are fads and don't worketc. so please don't post any answers like thatagain. All I'd like to know is about the eDietsDeliciously Yours plan itself please. I'd like toknow your experience with it and opinions on it. Is it worth it?.No I'm not doing this program tolose weight. I'm a female 5'4 and I weigh 145lbs. I'm not interested in losing weight, I wantto do this because I just had a baby and I don'thave time anymore to make myself home cookedhealthy meals so I usually just grab whatever andit's usually something unhealthy. I know I'llregret that later if I keep it up but I just don'thave time to eat healthy home cooked balancedmeals anymore so the eDiets plan seems like agreat option for me at this time. If I lose a fewpounds in the process then that'll be great, butlike I said before, weight loss in not myobjective.
- asked by newmommie
Opinions will vary. You may feel it is worth it toyou, someone else may not feel it was worth it tothem.My view is, if you are going to spend themoney, then stick with the program. If they aresupplying all your food, then only eat what theysupply you and don't "fudge" even the tiniestlittle bit...when you do that, the money spenteasily becomes "not worth it". For theconvenience, it may well be worth it, for thosewho can afford it. I KNOW I'd not have a weightproblem if someone else was doing my cooking(healthy only) and doling out my portions...buthow many of us can afford that(indefinitely)?Learn to eat a healthy balanceddiet, watch your calorie intake, and exerciseregulary. Whether you try eDiets or not, you needto make a lifestyle change to be healthy and keepoff any pounds lost.Good luck! - answered by: BabeHeart View All Answers (7)
Question: #9: im having touble getting a pic from my file on to my profile....what am i doing wrong??
I have pictures in a file that I created butwhen I go to ediet my profile...I klick broweserand get to my documents that takes me to my picfile..it wont let me post any to my newprofile...what am I doing wrong????
- asked by strawberrys_438
Many people are facing the same problem. It is theyahoo technical fault. Yahoo currently isupgrading their sofware system at this period tosolved some of the bugs in the new photo version.The network and yahoo photo software program couldhave jamed in the extreme high traffic and mass upthe photo program.You can also write to this yahoogroup so that they are aware that many people areunhappy on this matter and this could encouragethem to work on this matter faster andbetter. http://add.yahoo.com/fast/help/us/photos... - answered by: Hetto View All Answers (1)
Question: #10: Diet to follow?
I've been looking for the best diet to follow to help me lose 50 pounds. Weight watchers, ediet,nutrisystem, jenny craig. I just don't know whichis worth it, I mean I can afford it if it's going to work but not if it won't. Anyone got someguidance?
- asked by littleredcopperhead
They are good businesses to make money. There aremore diets than ever and more people dieting thanever and yet we have the fattest society ever. Soa lot of these ideas about losing weight, make youfatter. Cutting calories, carbs and fats can causeyou to have a weight problem for life. It isbetter to eat differently. See site below andlearn why meat and non-fat yogurt are sofattening. Also salt has no calories but makes youfat. It also has the quickest weight losspossible. Eat good carbs not bad carbs. Nourishyour body thin, instead of starving your body fat.Eat foods made by nature and avoid foods made byman which are designed to make you fat and veryaddicted to food. http://www.phifoundation.org - answered by: Jet Li View All Answers (2)
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