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Medifast Diet »
Medifast Diet
Medifast helps you lose weight quickly and easily. Their low calorie foods taste great and fit into your busy lifestyle.
Question: #1: Medifast diet?
Hi, Has anyone tried the Medifast diet? Did it work and were you able to maintain your weightafter you had lost it? Also, did you have enoughtenergy while you were on the diet to keep up anexercise routine? Was the food tolerable or didit taste horrible? Thanks!
- asked by tartangrrrl
The medifast program will help you lose weight.They now have a Medifast Secrets Book that may beworth looking into. It gets very specific aboutthe program and recipes and how the diet works. - answered by: oilman11977 View All Answers (0)
Question: #2: Has anyone tried using weight loss supplements with the Medifast diet?
I just started Medifast and was wondering if itwould be safe to use a diet supplement such asHydroxycut along with the diet. Has anyone triedthis? What were your results? Are there anyreasons this may be unsafe?
- asked by girltaurus71
www.loseweightwithchelle.comask her.thats mymother.shes an advisor. - answered by: juicycoutureblahblahblah View All Answers (1)
Question: #3: Have you had success with the Medifast Diet?
I am thinking of trying this diet. I have tried many other diets and although I don't cheat, Idon't stick with them because I see only minimalresults over a long period of time (weightwatchers, curves, etc.) It is simply not enoughto lose 2 pounds a month, if that, for me. Pleasetell me what you know about the Medifast diet frompersonal experience.
- asked by Stevie
I have been on Medifast; Optifast and other likeit. Don't waste your time. I have been onAtkins, weight watchers, South Beach and takendiet pills. He is what finally worked for me. Icut out deserts, bread and pasta. I eat a lot ofsalads, chicken, fish and fresh fruits andvegetables. But, I drink a whole load of water. To make it tastier, I squeeze fruit into thewater. I found this helps me loose weight andstill feel full. I also do some exercise. In myopinion, these diets are all full of crap. - answered by: brucenjacobs View All Answers (1)
Question: #4: Who has had good success on the medifast diet?
My friend has done it before and she lost about 20 lbs in a little over a month of being on it...so Iwant to know if anyone else has had the samesuccess like her or is she just lucky?
- asked by punk_princess_1369
It's a good diet, low carb and low glycemic. - answered by: CottonPatch View All Answers (1)
Question: #5: has anyone tried the medifast diet? is it safe to lose 24-30 pounds in a month without exercise onit?
a friend of mine has just started the diet, andshe tells me that she is not supposed to exercisefor up to 3 months while on it because she willonly be ingesting around 1200 calories per day. Ifeel weird about these new diet fads, it cantreally be that easy can it?
- asked by katie
My Dr. suggested thsi diet to me as well. I havebeen on the Medifast Diet for the past 2 monthsand I have lost 30 lbs. so far. It only requiresyou to exercise 3 WEEKS after you start (NOT 3month). You lose about 15-20 lbs. a month. ThePlan that I am on I only consume about 800-1,000calories a day. You will lose weight quickly withvery little exercise. And, it is not a fad diet.It is Physician approved. If you want the numberto Medifast just e-mail me at lovejae247@yahoo.comor ask your friend. - answered by: ♥ Jae ♥ View All Answers (3)
Question: #6: has anyone tried the medifast diet and does it work how much weight did u lose the first week ormonth?
- asked by charlene m
I've had this same question asked before. Again,I'll say the answer is not clear cut. It couldtake up to three weeks for your body to adjust tothe number of calories you take in. You could drop5-10+ pounds in the first month, or it might taketwo to three to see any major changes. It may notbe what you want to hear, but there is no exactnumber of pounds you will lose in the first weekor month. It definitely depends on the person andthe amount of dedication to the entire diet(including external factors such as exercise asidefrom Medifast). The diet is fairly expensive, ifyou decide to go with the program check this sitefor some promos like to save off a 4 weeksupply: http://www.secretprices.com/coupons/Medifast-Diet-coupons.htmlThere is a Medifast SecretsBook that may be worth looking into for $20 priorto thepurchase... http://www.medifast1.com/ss_staging/shopexd.asp?id=269Other Yahoo! Answers communitymembers have asked this question previously. Ifyou search Yahoo! answers for medifast, you'llcome up with a bunch of information as well.Hopethis helps. - answered by: johnfinkle View All Answers (1)
Question: #7: Has anyone ever had personal experience good or bad with the Medifast Diet?
- asked by Jessica J
Well i did medical wieght loss its exspensive butit works really good you are really garenteed toloose the weight fast but safe - answered by: Katrina S View All Answers (1)
Question: #8: has anyone been on the medifast diet?
how were your energy levels on this diet and were you successful in losing weight?how much did itcost you?
- asked by ck
The cost varies on how much weight you need to lose. The diet was good for me because I hadabout 20 pounds to lose.. I only purchased theshakes and the chocolate peanut bars. I did notlike any of the foo. It's based on a low carbtheory. Which meant up to 4 shakes a day a choc.peanut bar and I would usually eat a bacon ranchsalad from McDonald's every day for the two weeks. It was very hard the first three days but it didget easier the chat room was very helpful also. If you do order it and do not like it you can sendit back as long as the packages were not opened. Take your measurements you'll be surprised at howquickly the weight drops. ....my problem after thediet was i didn't know what to eat after Icompleted the program so I have gained some of theeight back. GOOD LUCK it does work if you havethe will power. - answered by: rebekah o View All Answers (2)
Question: #9: Have you been on the Medifast diet?
what did you like or dislike about the program? how did the food taste? Have you been able to keepthe weight off? thanks.
- asked by cheryl r
You can eat the same w/o being on Medifast. Goonline and get a list of "low glycemic index"foods. Also go to diabetic websites for manyrecipes and tips. This is a healthy way to losewgt, and maintain. By doing this you take controlof your behaviors, and they become habits.You willslip! Don't beat yourself up. Just get back ontrack. You will see that by doing this you willreduce cravings for food, and you get to eat moreoften. Much Luck to You. - answered by: tacmedwarrior View All Answers (4)
Question: #10: MediFast Diet /Herbal Magic Feedback?
Any feedback on the use of the MediFast Diet. I need to loose about 80 lbs and lead a very hecticlife (2 kids, work from home professional mom,shift worker husband). I just need somejustification (if any) on spending the money togive myself the quick jump I need to start - Ihave already successfully lost 40 lbs on WeightWatchers but due to working from home and a newbaby (20 months) cannot now commit to meetingsetc. Also, is the plan economical if you arelocated in Canada - the site seems to indicatethat they will ship to Canada. For Herbal Magic -just can't seem to wrap my head around the 3 timesa week plus to up front investment - all feedbackwelcome!
- asked by Angie B
Please do not try fad diets that rarely work inthe long run and consider a healthy life stylechange.The following healthy livingrecommendations will help you if you’re tryingto lose weight, tone up your muscles, haveaspirations of building lean muscle mass, areattempting to get a wash board stomach, or justwant to feel better:*1) Burn more calories thenyou're consuming everyday and measure your resultsusing the following formula: Calories Consumedminus Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) minus PhysicalActivity minus the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). Awebsite that explains this formula in more detailand will help you determine how many calories youneed to reach or maintain a certain weight is at http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/library/weight/calsburned.htmGet an online, desktop, or cellphone diet and fitness calculator. This will allowyou to easily calculate the above formula, setgoals, log your daily calorie consumption, andregister your physical activities. Set realisticgoals for your ideal body weight. Here are twowebsites that will calculate a suggested bodyweight: Adults: http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.htmTeens/Children: http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/exercise/weight/bmi.htmlIt is difficult and unhealthy to lose morethan one or two pounds per week. There are 3,500calories in a pound. If you eat 500 fewer caloriesper day for a week you will lose one pound. If youburn through exercise 500 more calories per dayfor a week you will lose one pound. Here are twoarticles on how to break through a weight lossplateau: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/86/99147.htm http://www.webmd.com/content/pages/18/102117.htm*2) Eat natural and organic foods found onearth versus something created by a corporation tomake money. Eat meals in small portions throughoutthe day and take a good multi-vitamin supplement.Do not try fad diets or diet pills. Avoid “HighGlycemic Load Carbs” (sugar, pastries, desserts,refined starches such as breads, pasta, refinedgrains like white rice; high starch vegetablessuch as potatoes) and drink lots of water. Readthis article for more information on high GLCarbs: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates.htmlThe following are food pyramidsand several articles on what you should eateveryday: FoodPyramids: http://www.rayandterry.com/html/images/PyramidLRG.gif?osCsid=26a424be471d1337e7c2f105d5c64d9d http://www.mypyramid.gov/Antioxidant Superstars- Vegetables andBeans: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/104/107638.html Antioxidant LoadedFruits: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/104/107640.htmlGood Carbs Mean BetterWeight: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/100/105783.htmThe Benefits ofProtein: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/85/98824.htmSome Fats Are Good ForYou: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/49/40075.htmAntioxidants in Green and BlackTea: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/104/107641.htmlWhat You Should EatDaily: http://www.oprah.com/health/yourbody/slide/slide_yourbody_healthfood_201.jhtmlBest Foods toFight off Disease and Keep YouHealthy: http://www.oprah.com/health/yourbody/slide/slide_yourbody_healthfood_101.jhtml*3) Performcardiovascular, core, and/or strength training onmost days. Read a book or find a certified trainerto make sure you're doing all exercises correctly.The following is a website and numerous articleson cardiovascular, core, and strengthtraining:Exercise Prescription on theNet http://www.exrx.net/Starting an ExerciseProgram: http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/library/activity/startexercise.htmStrength TrainingBasics: http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/library/activity/trainbasics.htmCardiovascularMachineWorkouts: http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/library/activity/cardiowork.htmBalance Your Way toa StrongerBody: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/64/72314.htmUnderstanding Your Training HeartRate: http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/library/activity/thr.htmExerciseErrors: http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/library/activity/errors.htmGetting a FlatStomach: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/71/81365.htmWeight Lifting - Does OrderMatter: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/80/96440.htmEncouraging Exercise in YourKids: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/95/103524.htmStrength Training Safe and Effective forKids: http://www.webmd.com/content/article/32/1728_81005.htm*4) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep expertssay most adults need between seven and nine hoursof sleep each night for optimum performance,health, and safety. *5) Educate yourselfcontinually on health issues and make a life longcommitment to good health. A great freepublication is “Dietary Guidelines for Americans2005”. A reputable test you can take to measureyour biological age is at http://realage.comLookat all areas where you can enhance your health.For example, make improvements in the quality ofthe air you breathe. Review outdoor air qualityforecasts where you live and get an indoor airpurifier. Send me an email or yahoo instantmessage to "gainbetterhealth" if you have anyquestions and good luck!*Click on all the sourcelinks below to get the full benefit of therecommendations. The answers presented to yourhealth questions are not intended to be asubstitute for professional medical advice,diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice ofyour physician or other qualified health providerswith any questions you may have regarding amedical condition. - answered by: Mike View All Answers (3)
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